E3 Booth Babes

The buzz word for the anti-games/fun/life police this E3 seems to be violence. But will somebody please think of the booth babes? Sure “rape culture” in games is starting to get trendy as an issue, but it isn’t quite there yet. If there needs to be a pointless discussion before the crowd that shows up at E3 crawls back into their holes to bitch about something else for the rest of the year. Please discuss this. That way we at least get to see pics like these:

Like a pimp Markman.

How do I feel about them? I have no problem if it is done right. What I don’t like it is the outfits typically look extremely uncomfortable. They may look good in pictures (well yes they do!) but when you see the poor girls trying to move around or get to their booth it really is a turn off for me.

You know what I find more offensive though? Bringing in music or movie stars to promote/talk about games. I think that is a far bigger problem for gaming if people still can’t accept it can stand on it’s own. I’d rather see 100 near naked women then some washed up tv star.

Shout outs to Neogaf especially GamePnoy74 for most of these pics: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=477340

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