Amazon Australia Kindle Ebooks

I received an email from Amazon this morning stating that my books were now available on Amazon Australia.

Being Hamish
When God Gets Bored

Good news right? Well it should be, but I was a bit disappointed to see that they were priced at $3.99 not the usual $2.99 minimum.

Why the extra $1? Well no particularly good reason that I can see. To make matters worse, you can’t set a price below $3.99 for the region, which seems particularly troublesome. So whilst it is nice to get an Australian store-front, it isn’t something I’d recommend using until they put in flexibility with the pricing.

I’ve contacted Amazon but I doubt I’ll get much of a reply, let alone a change in policy. Whilst it is nice to have books auto-delivered to the kindle app, for now, the best option is still smashwords where you can pay nothing at all:

Being Hamish (pay what you want)
When Got Gets Bored (pay what you want)

Being Hamish – Promo Results

So the six day promotion has come and gone and the results are in. As posted earlier, this was all a bit of an experiment to try out Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and also Facebook’s ads.

The method was to give away “Being Hamish” for free for 5 days as part of the KDP program. Besides this blog and twitter, I decided to run a small facebook advertisement to celebrate the fact. The aim was to drive people to give the book a go and to hopefully enjoy it.

Here is the result of the campaign:

As you can see, a tick under 50k impressions resulting in 56 clicks. In total, I had 59 people take advantage of the promo to grab the book. It is worth sharing that this facebook advertising cost me about $19 for the run of the campaign. It isn’t nothing, but it was certainly low enough cost not to worry about the result at all.

Is 59 downloads a success? Well it is all relative. I had hoped for more, but I’m ultimately satisfied with the result and the lessons learnt. More importantly will any of those people read and enjoy the book? I most certainly hope so but it is impossible to tell. How does it compare to other ebooks on the market? Well of note this broke Being Hamish into the top 100 for “Coming of Age” novels. In fact it peaked around position 57 on the charts, which isn’t too bad at all.

Look out..umm Charles Dickens. I’m coming for you.

Would I do it again? I doubt it at this stage. Whilst the method used above has been proven as somewhat viable, I don’t believe it is necessarily worth it. A better test would be to see how many people would have “paid” after being presented with the advertisement and I suspect not a lot. Additionally the way the ads work is you compete for positioning based on how much you will “pay” when somebody finally clicks it. You can control this process well, but it does mean you could be spending a large sum on something that just isn’t going to earn a return.

Still, it was a fun exercise and I enjoyed seeing the clicks come in and spreading the good word a little. It was all relatively painless and quick to set up via paypal (with easy to set spending limits etc) so if you ever wondered if you should try it as well? I’d say give it a go.

Being Hamish – Being Free Promotion

As part of the adventure of Kindle Direct Publishing, it is time to try out their promotions. In particular this means that Being Hamish will be free on Amazon until the 6th of October.

As an experiment, I’m going to try a bit of facebook advertising to try to pick up one or two readers. It is all a learning experience at this stage, but hopefully it goes well enough. I’ve decided not to push anything through to the news feed, because that is something I personally hate to see. If people don’t block the ads, they’ll be there and somebody might click along.

So if you have a few kb spare on your device of choice, please feel free to check it out at and help to spread the word.

Being Hamish – Now available

After a lot of work, my second self published novel “Being Hamish” is now available.

Check it out via Amazon for $2.99 or free with Amazon Prime.

It is always a bittersweet moment to release something out into the wide world. Is it “finished”? Could it be better? All those questions have been going through my mind. But I’ve reached the point where I’m happy that the novel gets across the themes that I wanted to get across and the pages should more or less make sense when read in a logical sequence.

This is of course a wide departure from my previous novel “When Got Gets Bored”. This time around I’m actually telling a story. It concerns Hamish Jones, a young boy just trying to fit in and find his place in the world. It isn’t a coming of age story though, it all takes place within a week and he doesn’t learn any new magical powers or skills. What he does learn is a little about himself and I think that might just be enough.

Just like Hamish, I learnt a lot about myself in the writing of this work. Writing for young adults, especially young boys is something I’ve always wanted to do. One of the barriers I see to getting boys to read is simply that a lot of quality targeted books just don’t exist. Whilst I don’t make any grandiose claims towards “quality” it is certainly targeted and I hope somebody from the age group reads and enjoys it. If just one person gets something out of it, then it is all more than worthwhile.

If nothing else, writing a work that I would perhaps never seek out to read has been an interesting experience. It forced me to be disciplined with my approach and to write for others, not just myself. This has previously been a failing of mine that I’ve wanted to address. Hopefully this keeps me on the right track to keep getting better and better with what I do.

For publishing, I decided to go with Amazon and their KDP select plan. This enforces a 90 exclusivity period but in return allows me to do promotions that could have interesting results if done correctly. I can’t say I’m massively confident about how successful it will be compared to the usual route of Smashwords/Itunes/Kobo. But time will tell and it is good to mix things up. I’ll post up more in detail about my plans here when the dust settles.

For now? It is done, it is out and I’m really enjoying the feeling. I’m not sure if I’ll one day return to the characters, or even the same genre. But wherever my writing takes me next, I’ll always have a big place in my heart for Hamish and his friends.

From the back of the ebook:

Hamish Jones had a problem. His problem was that being Hamish just wasn’t getting the job done. For somebody who was considered to be completely average, he was noticing a distinct inability to reach the expected levels of girlfriends and acceptable weekly beatings from the local bullies. Clearly for him, something had to change.

He had tried many schemes and plans to improve his image around the schoolyard, but to date none of them had even seemed close to working. Even a brief period of just being true to himself had ended in especially spectacular failure.

What he needed was a new start to his life. Being together with the girl of his dreams was a solid enough goal to achieve, but that would only be the beginning. From there he could really turn things around and achieve the fame and fortune that his years of persistence meant he truly deserved.

But to do that he needed a plan and planning things out just wasn’t his thing. Hamish knew all he needed was one great idea. One idea that was so brilliant that he was the first person to ever conceive of it and follow it through to the end.

When one day he finally found that idea, it started an adventure that would lead him and his friends to face truths about the world and the wider universe above. It also got him into a lot of trouble. But that was ok; Hamish was more than used to that.